A top priority when installing your next metal deck is to close off the ends so that the concrete doesn’t pour out by using the corresponding type of metal closure. With a variety of types of metal decking enclosures, you will need to find the one that’s better suited for your project depending on your needs.
Sometimes, a contractor may use metal deck for a smaller-scale project. This may mean that they will need to cut the metal deck to fit the smaller space. If you aren’t sure how to cut metal deck, we have you covered.
Galvanized steel is commonly used to create metal deck. In some construction projects, part of the deck is left visible once the project is completed, and it needs a more finished look. This often leads to the question: can you paint galvanized metal deck?
The material that we use to manufacture all of our metal decking products is often made with galvanized steel. If you are not familiar with metal and steel products, you may be wondering: what is galvanized steel?